Peloton, Mark and Achilles Tendonitis
in Midtown NYC
[NOAH HYMAN] I have a short story of recovery for you here today.
But before we get into Mark’s story of recovery from Achilles Tendonitis (and tech neck), I want to explain a bit about the condition.
Achilles tendinitis is an overuse injury of the Achilles tendon, the band of tissue that connects calf muscles at the back of the lower leg to your heel bone.
Achilles tendinitis most commonly occurs in runners who have suddenly increased the intensity or duration of their runs. It’s also common in middle-aged people who play sports, such as tennis or basketball, only on the weekends.
Most cases of Achilles tendinitis can be treated with relatively simple care under our supervision. More serious cases of Achilles tendinitis can lead to tendon tears (ruptures) that may require surgical repair.

My name is Mark. I started working with Noah, I want to say a year and a half ago, Noah Hyman at First Health Physical Therapy.
I was diagnosed with Achilles’ tendonitis, essentially just a strain in my left heel that really started bugging me, especially as I got more into the Peloton actually during Covid.
So I was told to go see a physical therapist and heard that Noah was great from a couple of folks, actually some family members as well.
My mother was having really bad hip issues to the point where there’s a choice of surgery or physical therapy, and so she tried physical therapy at first and actually came across Noah and started working with him to the point where she no longer needed the surgery or was able to basically recover without that. And ever since he helped my mom, he’s been kind of the go-to for the family.
Solving Achilles Tendonitis
Started seeing Noah once or twice a week for about three to six months. We worked on a handful of exercises specific to Achilles tendonitis, so did a lot of stretching. We did a lot of strengthening and more generally working on using my foot in an active way to prevent future injuries or re-injury. In the middle of working with him, I also developed what’s commonly known as Tech Neck from sitting on my computer all the time. And so I mentioned it to him and we also started layering in other exercises with my neck. And truly, a lot of the tools and exercises that he’s taught me have been instrumental in my ability to recover and continue operating and working at the level that I want to.
Contact First Health Physical Therapy | Achilles Tendonitis Recovery
If you’re experiencing a spongy feeling in your knee (possibly knee bursitis), our experienced team has the answers to your problems. At First Health physical therapy in NYC Midtown provides genuine and personalized care for your specific needs. Start your path back to full knee functionality by contacting our office today to schedule an appointment with our team!