Paying out of pocket is not always the ideal choice when it comes to physical therapy but for some people, it is their only option. Physical therapy rehab without insurance in new york can get expensive depending on where you go but there are some benefits to it. At First Health Physical Therapy they offer several different treatments and one-on-one services to help get you back on your feet.
When it comes to paying out of pocket the good thing about it is that you can see any doctor or physical therapist that you want. Because you are paying out of pocket you can receive much better care because the physical therapist does not have to go through your insurance. If you had insurance and they were an in-network clinic, the insurance company might cut you off from treatment when they feel like you have been at physical therapy for long enough. Other benefits include:
- Less expensive physical therapy care overall
- No unexpected bills
- Less Physical Therapy visits
If you have insurance and you decided that you want to see a certain physical therapist but they are not in your insurance network you can choose to go out of network. In a way, this can be cheaper because of the better quality treatments from the therapist since you are paying a higher rate you can get more one-on-one treatment. You also would need fewer visits because of the treatment that you are getting.
First Health is a one-on-one physical therapy clinic where they reserve you a time slot so you can get their undivided attention. We also offer physical rehab without insurance in New York for your benefit. The reason for doing this is because they can get a better understanding of what kind of therapy you need and will receive. First Health treats many different cases like:
- Ankle injuries
- Different kinds of neck pain
- Shoulder problems
- Hips Injuries
- Knees Injuries
- Elbows Injuries
- Back Injuries
Although paying out of pocket does not sound ideal, there are a lot of benefits that come from it. Paying less and not having to meet a deductible, no unexpected bills, and fewer visits because you are getting more hands-on treatment. There are great places in New York. Call First Health to book an appointment and see what they can offer you if you do not have insurance.