Torn Rotator Cuff in Manhattan
[Noah Hyman] Below we have a transcription (with small edits for clarification) of an interview with Real Estate Agent Carolyn Fox.
Hi, my name is Carolyn Fox and I am in real estate, a real estate ‘guru’ here in Midtown. Some people know me as the Midtown Mama. I work for the Corcoran Group. And you know, real estate is a very physical business. You may not think of it that way, but it’s demanding physically. In between running to appointments, rushing up subway stairs, carrying furniture, I am the queen of schlepping.
I feel like just even getting into cabs at cabs, trains rushing here, rushing there. Anyway, additionally, I love to work out and I’ve been, a quasi-athlete, amateur athlete for years. I played a ton of tennis when I was a kid growing up.
Torn Rotator Cuff in Manhattan
As a grownup, here in New York City, I started boxing. And there was one time I was sparring with another woman and I am left-handed, and I crossed over to give her a punch right in the head.
And, ah, just knew something happened. It wasn’t a pop, it wasn’t a sound. The intensity of the pain made me fall down long and short. I lived with that pain for over a year, and I finally realized that with physical therapy from other humans that I had hired, the physical therapy just didn’t ever make any positive change.
Additionally, I found that the skill of the physical therapist was nothing I couldn’t do at home. Nobody was pushing me to stretch further or do a few more reps. I just felt like I wasn’t challenged, that these people were dialing it in and just taking my money.
So when I finally had the surgery at HSS in January, about eight weeks after the surgery, I had to find a physical therapist that was going to take the surgery and the value from having the surgery to another level. Because if you have surgery in this case, shoulder surgery, and you don’t follow up with physical therapy, you are not going to heal to a maximum level that you are maybe hoping for and praying for.
Finding Noah for my Shoulder Rehab
I did a deep dive into “great physical therapists here in midtown.” God forbid I should have to walk too far or take a train or a cab to a physical therapist. There were a bunch in my local neighborhood, some of whom I had seen before with no good results and in total insurance scams. And I stumbled upon Noah Hyman and First Health PT… as one of the best physical therapists in my neighborhood. He was the first guy to call back.

Working with Noah Hyman
Noah is not only hysterically funny, but he is highly motivated and he is the first physical therapist I’ve ever worked with that has made a difference, a sizable difference in the quality of my life. He is no b.s.
He is as authentic as it comes. Noah cares. He is intense. You don’t go there for a good time. You go there for a total workout time.
There were days that I would cry, Noah would make me cry and then tried to ease with stretching and a good joke. So he has a great sense of humor. Also, he’s so confident and he is so authentic. And again, no fluff. Authenticity gets the job done at a reasonable rate, at a fair rate. So whether you have insurance or you don’t have insurance, he’ll work with you and he’ll make it so you can go see him once or twice a week and not break the pocketbook.
I would recommend Noah over any physical therapist I’ve ever been to in my long life of sports injuries.

Carolyn Fox
This is a great story – my shoulder is bugging me… might need your help Mr. Noah.
Glad it helped out. WE are here to help you.