Five Minute Daily Stretches (for your long term health)
Five Minute Daily Stretches (for your long term health). Exclusively from First Health Physical Therapy as heard on The Bee’s Knees Podcast
Five Minute Daily Stretches (for your long term health). Exclusively from First Health Physical Therapy as heard on The Bee’s Knees Podcast
A swollen knee can be worrying and may leave you nervous about your health and unsure where to seek a solution.
Have you been dealing with a spongy feeling in your knee? Is your knee swollen and red? If this sounds true, you may be experiencing knee bursitis.
Heavy Lifting and Injuries (Wrists, The Back). Lifting heavy objects raises the risk of lower back and wrist injuries among other.
Prevention of shin splints usually involves slowly increasing mileage or intensity, avoiding hard surfaces, and wearing proper shoes.